Prevention and awareness of otitis media is what our project is all about.
Our Healthy Ears Puppets are very passionate about teaching children, and their teachers, to blow their nose properly to help prevent otitis media.
What can you do to prevent it? Invest in your child's hearing. Spend the time to teach them how to blow their nose correctly. It takes lots and lots of practice to get it right however, this may be the one thing that saves your child's ears. Start young. (see below for tips on teaching toddlers) Correct technique nose blowing helps to clear the eustachian tubes and allows the middle ear space to be full of air. What is correct technique?
What can schools do to prevent otitis media?
We recommend schools and childcare centres spend 10 minutes a day doing the BBCWC program.
Breathe, Blow, Cough (into your arm), Wash (germs off from nose blowing), Chew (crunchy foods to exercise the eustachian tube).
Doing the BBCWC every morning before learning time can benefit every student as it allows them to start their learning day with good hearing.
Generally when a child has alot of nasal 'snot' they will not be hearing well that day.
We recommend schools and childcare centres spend 10 minutes a day doing the BBCWC program.
Breathe, Blow, Cough (into your arm), Wash (germs off from nose blowing), Chew (crunchy foods to exercise the eustachian tube).
Doing the BBCWC every morning before learning time can benefit every student as it allows them to start their learning day with good hearing.
Generally when a child has alot of nasal 'snot' they will not be hearing well that day.