Scientific data suggests that smoking near children increases the child’s risk of developing otitis media.
WHY? Cigarette smoke irritates the eustachian tube and can cause it to swell, sometimes even swell shut. Eustachian tubes must be full of air for the middle ear to work properly. A new report from Perth's Telethon Institute for Child Health Research has found a strong link between childhood ear infections and exposure to tobacco smoke. FOLLOW THE LINK BELOW TO READ THE STUDY http://www.childhealthresearch.org.au/news-events/media-releases/2008/may/ear-infections-linked-to-passive-smoking.aspx |
Children who are mouth breathers or snore may have enlarged adenoids as one factor causing their otitis media. Mouth breathing is a symptom to look out for with glue ear or eustachian tubes that need emptying.
Adenoids harbor bacteria, causing viruses.
Children who are mouth breathers or snore may have enlarged adenoids as one factor causing their otitis media. Mouth breathing is a symptom to look out for with glue ear or eustachian tubes that need emptying.
Adenoids harbor bacteria, causing viruses.
- Removal of the adenoids is preferred when grommet surgery occurs and will help these children. Some interesting reading.... http://webhealth.com/ear-nose-throat/enlarged-adenoids

Swimming in water like rivers and dams with leaf matter, dead animals, and animal faeces can be stagnant and harbor bacteria. It is dangerous for children with perforations (hole) or grommets in their eardrums to swim in rivers/dams without earplugs, as this dirty water is going through the hole and into the middle ear. This is very common out in Western NSW areas.